(the Repeater Gloves Aim Time bug is fixed as well)

The Felon's Coat can substitute for Wade's Superior Drakeskin Leather Armor.Shadow of the Empire can substitute for Leather Armor.Shielded Dwarven Armor can substitute for Dwarven Armor (Shielded Dwarven Armor is set to scale as per Qwinn's Ultimate Fixpack).Dwarven Guard Armor and Superior Dwarven Guard Armor can substitute for Dwarven Heavy Armor.All features and specific items are optional, and can be removed at the user's discretion. This mod increases the number of items that have set bonuses, by allowing certain items to act as substitutes for others in sets, and by adding in some new sets. I also really like how certain pieces can also be substituted in for others that aren't actually part of the set, such as the Armor of the Divine Will and Effort. They encourage using similar armor pieces, and act as an effective means of balancing powerful armor effects more easily.

One of the features I really like in DAO is the set bonuses.